Saturday, February 23, 2013 magical itty bitty pitty-rescued bait puppy gets so much help it's overwhelming

Bella was an 8 lb 2 month old bait puppy found just prior to Hurricane Sandy on Long Island. She was wandering in the streets late at night, frightened, dazed, sick. Vet examination later proved that she was badly injured. In addition to the nasty, oozing and large wound on her backside, puncture marks on her neck from bites, she was diagnosed with a fractured skull. Vets at Blue Pearl in Forest Hills told my son and myself to make her grow as fast as possible to expedite her healing so the bones in her cracked skull filling her head with spinal fluid would mesh. We turned everything into a food source. We bought one of the best vitamins there are. We fed Vet's Choice food on the recommendation of a pet store owner on Long Island, we gave her light chicken broth (1/3rd chicken broth, 2/3rds water) to make water more appealing and we took a holistic approach not only in feeding her good food, but, we addressed her spirit. Can any dog lover deny that dogs have a spirit that some times gives up? We will go into that more when our e-book is published as I have been a certified holistic counselor, adult educator and stress management consultant for years and I always loved dogs and cats (actually, all critters large and small) but little did I know that those very techniques that were so helpful for humans would be even more successful for dogs who were minus the agendas and resistances people seem to struggle with. Yesterday, February 22, 2013, my son, Ed, and myself, along with Bella and little Buddy also found on the street, a badly damaged 2 lb 3 week old puppy, taken away from his mother, and apparently attacked as a bait dog, journeyed out to Vets Choice in Deer Park, LI to collect a prize from a drawing. Buddy and Bella won a year's supply of Vet's Choice dry dog food. Bella ran victory laps around the office...she seemed to know she's a winner. Make your dogs winners too with Vets Choice.

A WORD OF CAUTION: please consult your vet on all questions about dog and cat health. The purpose of this blog is to suggest adjunct modalities to professional vet care. THIS BLOG IS NOT TO BE CONSIDERED A REPLACEMENT FOR YOUR VETS TREATMENT OR his or her professional guidance and treatment!

Keywords: saving bait puppies, bait puppy, Long Island bait puppy, baot puppy diet, bait puppy injuries, bait puppy e-book, pit bull bait puppy, injuries to bait puppies, bait puppy fractured skull, bait puppy, special diet for bait puppy, what to feed a bait puppy, how to save a bait puppy, Saving Bella how to save a bait puppy holistically, bait puppy spirit, how to increase wellness of bait puppy, bait dogs, injured bait dogs, injured dogs, canine nutrition for bait puppy, holistically balancing the environment for bait dogs, sick dogs and injured dogs, reducing environmental stress for sick and injured dogs, injured pit bulls, how to save an injured pit bull, what you need to know about pit bull rescue, save a puppy, save a bait puppy, save a bait dog, save an injured dog, how to intervene to save a bait dog, canine nutrition, products that help save bait puppies, bait puppy rescue

Monday, February 18, 2013

Vet visit today: Dr. Jack proclaimed Bella cured of D. mange! She was diagnosed on Dec. 19th and we were told she would need meds 6-9 months but then...

I am a budding student of canine nutrition gathering every ounce of research I can find. D. mange is non contagious; an immune system problem. So, I studied how to boost a puppy's immunity and, guess what, good, healthy nutrition is the cure along with some gentle vet care and I salute Dr. Jack for progressing so gently with Bella and meds. She only got to 6cc of meds while increasing food, water, nutrition, a few medicated shampoos baths and she is CURED in 60 days. Just like with our own health and wellness, we want instant cures but the truth is there is NO replacement for healthy nutrition, love, gentle care and patience. All the secrets of how we saved Bella will be included in our e-book...she went from an 8 lb dog critically injured to a happy healthy dog in 3 months! We are going to share how we did it...stayed tuned....and we did what Blue Pearl would later recommend...she was given all the food and water we could feed her and she gained 14 lbs in one month...fractured skull healed!

Keywords: saving bait puppies, bait puppy, Long Island bait puppy, bait puppy diet, bait puppy injuries, bait puppy e-book, pit bull bait puppy, injuries to bait puppies, bait puppy fractured skull, bait puppy, special diet for bait puppy, what to feed a bait puppy, how to save a bait puppy, Saving Bella how to save a bait puppy holistically, bait puppy spirit, how to increase wellness of bait puppy, bait dogs, injured bait dogs, injured dogs, canine nutrition for bait puppy, holistically balancing the environment for bait dogs, sick dogs and injured dogs, reducing environmental stress for sick and injured dogs, injured pit bulls, how to save an injured pit bull, what you need to know about pit bull rescue, save a puppy, save a bait puppy, save a bait dog, save an injured dog, how to intervene to save a bait dog, canine nutrition, products that help save bait puppies, bait puppy rescue

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Bella and Buddy won $500 worth of dog food from our favorite brand Vet's Choice Holistic Life Extension

Right from the start, Bella has proven to be magical...people go out of their way to help her...blessings come to her...she's a magnet for people and love....and the love and blessings continue....Vet's Choice Holistic Health Extension dry dog food sent us an email and proclaimed SAVING BELLA the winner of $500 worth of dog food...thank you so much! We can thank Pet Lovers pet shop in Mineola, NY for being generous and giving us samples and telling us that this is the best food around. We can look back and thank this brand for its quality as it has played a major part in Bella's amazing recovery...Buddy's also. >

Bella and Buddy and their owners thank you so much...a New York company we love!

Keywords: saving bait puppies, bait puppy, Long Island bait puppy, baot puppy diet, bait puppy injuries, bait puppy e-book, pit bull bait puppy, injuries to bait puppies, bait puppy fractured skull, bait puppy, special diet for bait puppy, what to feed a bait puppy, how to save a bait puppy, Saving Bella how to save a bait puppy holistically, bait puppy spirit, how to increase wellness of bait puppy, bait dogs, injured bait dogs, injured dogs, canine nutrition for bait puppy, holistically balancing the environment for bait dogs, sick dogs and injured dogs, reducing environmental stress for sick and injured dogs, injured pit bulls, how to save an injured pit bull, what you need to know about pit bull rescue, save a puppy, save a bait puppy, save a bait dog, save an injured dog, how to intervene to save a bait dog, canine nutrition, products that help save bait puppies, bait puppy rescue

Friday, February 15, 2013

Latest photos of Bella....she's come a long way...however there is some fall out from her protozoa infection, Hurricane Sandy, etc. The rescuer, Ed, and perhaps both dogs may have contacted the protozoa from ground water where protozoa are often found...

...and Ed's cottage was damaged in Hurricane Sandy and that's how I got involved with Bella. Bella had no place safe to recover and she came to stay with me while there was 1 and 1/2 foot of water in the above cottage. Ed has been asked to move and that's going to be very difficult and expensive. He said, "I would rescue a million dogs even though this is happening." So, Bella, Buddy and Ed will stay together and move somewhere. Ed is unemployed, he's disabled from an accident, but, he loves these puppies. Tough times for both of us were made tougher because of Buddy and Bella's rescue but we're doing the best we can. Some great people helped us with Bella by contributing to her costly care. THANK YOU!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

update on Buddy and Bella-pictures taken February 7, 2013

Bella is a brindle and white pit bull mix, born in late July or early August, found wandering with a fractured skull, a horrible wound on her backside, a parasite infection, cuts, bite marks, missing fur, etc. She was thought to be around 8 weeks old when she was found dazed and wandering just immediately prior to Hurricane Sandy. As you can see from one of the pixs posted here her head was swollen, she slept all the time, some times seemed not to be alive... a song created for her seemed to do something very healing for Bella. She now runs to the cell phone when I call so I can sing it for her even now at 6 months old. See below, 33 lb Bella recovering very quickly from d. mange with the help of fantastic care from Petcare in Flushing, Queens and Dr. Jack Biederman.
Bella and Buddy are being fed a power diet of a high quality dog kibble and a recipe like the one below that is evolving over time. We are cooking a fresh dog food and making changes very slowly. We add a cooked egg 3 times a week in addition to the food we are making and this month we added one new ingredient: KALE and we've introduced it very slowly.
Buddy was found in early December whining and cowering. He was 3 weeks old and weighed just 2 lbs. Dr. Jack's reaction to the tiny puppy was a heart warming, "oh my." Buddy needed to be bottle fed initially and it was first thought he had parvo...thankfully he did not. It was rough going for Buddy for a few weeks as well; he was bitten and had a couple of very deep ugly wounds. One of the things he had going for him was an incredible appetite thanks, in part, to 2 protozoa infections. Here he is, at 3 months old, as Dr. Jack proclaimed, "a healthy puppy!"
isn't amazing what love can do...sadly, however, my son who is caretaker of the dogs now has to move because of damage to his place from Hurricane Sandy, a mysterious illness he has contracted, which may yet prove to be a protozoa infection from the spillage of ground water into his living space which may be how the dogs landed up with protozoa as well. We may never know. Updates will be coming shortly.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

7 power foods that are healthy for your dog (and you too)

If you have a stressed animal, some of these great power foods for dogs may help. However, please make sure that you get rid of parasites first, you make no changes rapidly, your dog doesn’t have a digestive issue and, you, of course, consult your vet BEFORE you make dietary changes so please make sure that in his/her or professional opinion so these foods or any others will not make a negative situation worse or cause an issue you didn’t have. Please remember that no information “Saving Bella” offers is to be considered to be a replacement for your vets care, ever! 1. Sweet Potatoes – Dogs love ‘um and we people ought to eat more of them and dump the white potato! They are packed with antioxidants, vitamin E, and other nutrients such as vitamins A, B6 and C, iron, potassium, copper, beta-carotene, calcium thiamine and iron. Potassium is a key mineral for people and dogs, especially in the hot weather when hydration is a possibility as it helps maintain fluid and electrolyte balance. Potassium maintains heart health function and reduces stress and if you, a human, tend to get muscle cramps in your legs, this mineral may help. Ask your doctor! 2. Beef – A “natural antidepressant”, beef contains B vitamins which regulate stress levels. Beef is especially rich in vitamin B5 which enables anti-stress hormones to be produced in the endocrine system. A word of caution on this for people and for dogs to is this…since both people and dogs are mammals and beef contains growth hormones and antibiotics from another mammal, it’s a good idea to keep that in mind and purchase organic beef. 3. Oily Fish – We’ve been using salmon for Buddy and Bella and they love it. It’s expensive but these days I can’t tolerate the richness of this food so for now I am using what I have stored in the freezer. Omega-3 fatty acids help suppress the production of adrenaline. Too much adrenaline can cause anxiety and even aggression. Examples of oily fish include salmon, mackerel, sardines and tuna. 4. Whole Oats/Whole Brown Rice – Again, use caution as some dogs may be allergic to grains. Both are rich in fiber, which slows down digestion rate and yet speeds up the absorption of tryptophan, which is essential for the production of serotonin which, of course, is nature’s own anti-depressant. 6. Almonds – Nuts…hmm, who ever thought to feed them to your dog? Well, it turns out that they are rich in vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium and zinc. And, if you have been paying attention, doctors are recommending them to we humans as well. Also, the magnesium supports healthy nervous system function resulting in increasing those “happy” chemicals in the brain. If separation anxiety is an issue for your dog….or you ;o) try using almond butter instead of peanut butter! 7. Pumpkin Seeds – I love these! I think in my former life I was a hunter and gather! Pumpkin seeds contain vitamin E which is a great vitamin to improve skin health, L-tryptophan and glutamate. Glutamate is required in the production of GABA which is an anti-stress neuro-chemical. Pumpkin seeds also contain selenium and a deficiency of it can lead to increased anxiety, fatigue and even depression. And since people are mammals like dogs, the above is human friendly too. ask your doctor first though because anything we print is not a replacement for vet of physician care.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

new batch of Bella's nutritious soup was made yesterday...this batch we've added a new ingredient: KALE, please follow your vet's instructions and make any change you decide on slowly!

The recipe we are using to augment Bella and Buddy's nutritional needs as recovering bait puppies appears below. As part of my study in canine nutrition, I have been reading the text book for the class and researching what will work ASAP to help get Bella with D. Mange (not contagious mange due to, perhaps, impaired immunity). Both Bella and Buddy were traumatized beyond belief and no animal lover wants to think about 2 lb, 3 week old Buddy being grabbed by the head by a bigger dog yet he certainly had the wounds to prove it, he had a deep wound on his back leg and one on his neck as well. Taken away from his mother and fed to a fighting dog in training is absolutely horrible and we animal lovers are sickened by the very thought. Bella got caught up in the Hurricane Sandy mess as she was found on 10/23/12. She was taken to the vet shortly after and Dr. Mitch Biederman thought she, in addition to being attacked, had been hit by a car as she had road rash on her body and a terrible wound on her hind quarters. Because of the uncertainly of living arrangements around the storm and flooding, Bella underwent many changes and change is stress even when its good change. As a certified stress management consultant, I have spoken to people who got a new job and were so stressed they got sick, some people get sick when they finish a herculean task…the stress comes from dealing with life when the stress is reduced and life goes back to normal. Years ago when I was doing a lot of speaking engagements, TV and radio shows, when there were none to do I felt stressed, as life was so quiet without the continual rush of off a crowd, the merry go round being still made me wonder what was I forgetting to do. If we humans are stressed by change how can we expect more from helpless injured animals who nearly had their lives nearly taken, eaten out of garbage pails, had parasites, are being moved away from flooding, have a plethora of strangers poking, prodding, testing, etc. Once we factor stress and malnutrition, injury and illness we see a complex situation emerging and we can start to understand why Bella’s immune system could not handle all the changes. Additionally, some dogs’ immune systems do not completely develop until they are 12-18 months old. Certainly, Bella had lots of issues to deal with and now that I am studying pet nutrition I see that buying supermarket dog food in bags or in cans is not enough nutrition to overcome the magnitude of the damage to Bella or Buddy. So, as I continue to build on this soup recipe and in between batches…SLOWLY to avoid any other issues, I am learning, researching, expanding my knowledge base as well as the following of the Facebook community now as of this writing at 1087 friend in 2 weeks, we see that things are changing with Bella and Buddy and they are doing well. Their recovery physically and psychologically is not over and it won’t be over for at least 6 months. Recovery from life threatening wounds is an immense and intense process. We’re aiming, with the help of pet care professionals, (while I am becoming one myself), to boost immunity and speed the process to optimum recovery in the shortest possible time while keeping an eye on costs since most of us are struggling during the recession and those of us on Long Island still are dealing with Hurricane Sandy issues. We are hearing some very welcome tips from the Facebook Community, please send them to (yes, we know it rhymes ;o) and we welcome them. Our mission if to provide tips, share information, get it organized and put it out there for people who find themselves drafted into rescue work they can afford to do, do right and do swiftly…it’s one dog at a time! After I complete the canine nutrition course, I may take feline nutrition as well….since I have been involved for 30 years in the personal empowerment field, consciousness expansion, etc, I am thrilled to be back to doing what I always wanted to do as inspired by my father, a victim of human exploitation, in elder abuse. For the record, losing my father’s life made me ill as well and I deal with a serious health issue as a result of the stress. The fact that I spent a fortune on lawyers and travel, left me financially devastated when I was supposed to inherit over a million dollars. The truth be told, I would have paid $2 million to save my father’s life. Now, all I can do is save what he loved most, dogs, as America is not ready to hear about the toll of elder abuse. While writing a book was what I was encouraged to do, its been a catharsis, but nothing else except manifestation of a miracle by the presence of loving people some of whom are quite famous. Without a doubt, I know that miraculous things can happen when our spirits are pure, our work is diligent, our love is committed to something bigger than ourselves. For now, as I work towards becoming a pet care professional and canine nutritionist, my goal is to assist a community that loves animals as much as I do and wants to save lives one dog at a time….it’s a calling…and I know that God works in mysterious, beautiful ways and I consider Bella and Buddy to be messengers, harbingers, of wonderful things to come. And, so we want to share that the Bella Soup recipe’s latest edition has kale in it and this new potion will be given slowly to make sure we don’t have any negative effects…dogs, like us, don’t do well with sudden changes. Of course, I used about 4-5 ozs of kale to the 7 quart batch I cooked yesterday.…and here’s a tip…sauté` the rest of the bunch in some olive oil with a little bit of olive oil and get some great nutrition yourself. After all, if you don’t take care of you, how are you going to take care of all the animals that need rescuing? :o) Thanks! love, Irene PS Thanks again to all the wonderful pet lovers who LIKE US at's a beautiful sentiment from one of them and I hope they don't mind me sharing it with you because Bella and Buddy are pit bulls, too.