Saturday, December 29, 2012

Saving Bella will be an ebook dedicated to saving bait dogs, particularly, puppies. It will provide the formulas, products, foods, techniques used to bring Bella from 6 lbs to 25 lbs in 35 days!

this site will spell out to the rescue community and to breeders, ordinary owners who adopt runts, disabled and dogs with handicaps, bait dogs, how to improve the health of these challenged animals by sharing info on how to optimize care with quality products that have amazing results as well as common sense old fashioned miracle cures like good food, good care, LOVE and no mistake about it love is the most powerful healing force in the world.

More than that, it will share intimate information about the dog-owner relationship to build trust, amp up nutrition and immunity, provide a stable environment that will nurture and assist in stabilization of injured dogs and puppies. It will combine main stream and non mainstream adjunct methods for optimum results.

The e-book's tentative title will be "Saving Bella," Irene A Masiello will be the author and Jack Biederman, DVM of Queens, NY's Petcare Animal Clinic, 43-73 156th Street Flushing, NY 11355, (718) 762-4747 will be the technical advisor.

Saving Bella will also be in memory of Dr. Andrew Biederman, DVM, with much gratitude to Mitch Biederman, DVM. To the Biedermans, I speak not only for myself but rather a community that is very grateful for nearly 25 years of wonderful care, so much love and dedication to the healing the beloved pets in Queens, NY  And, therefore, Saving Bella is in reality dedicated to all three Drs Biederman. Through the compassion, generosity and love of both Dr. Mitch and Dr. Jack, who made Bella's loving care affordable, she has been the Phoenix rising from the ashes.

We will be sharing quality products my son and I used to ensure Bella's survival, we'll give helpful hints about nutrition and care, delve into the psychospiritual connection between you and your pet, what you will need for the very best results, etc. We will be keeping an eye on cost as rescuing dogs is expensive (and by the way, fostering dogs is tax deductable-see a recent story:

We will be including different tried and true techniques that are adapted from a holistic program applied to people that I am certified to teach and worked incredibly with Bella,  how to form a lifetime bound with your rescue puppy and how to rally the dog's spirit to fight for survival.

My advice for now, as a holistic counselor, stress management consultant and adult educator is this:
Keep the environment as peaceful, stable and quiet as possible. All change for people, children and animals, even good change, is stress.

Please add lots of affect, a soft voice, soothing music, keep the environment clean, pack nutrition into your rescue pup (we will make recommendations on products we used our selves and have been aware of for years that will amaze you as well as simple and affordable methods to offer quick results) and, of course, please seek the advice of your vet (please note: this is very important-do not consider anything written here to be a replacement for your vet's care; always seek out professional, licensed vet care for every health issue your pets have), augment diet with a powerhouse recipe and as well as simple ones you can make at home.

"Saving Bella" will be dedicated to the loving memory of Mario Masiello, my father, who was a victim of elder abuse and exploitation and whose story is recorded in a book authored by me called Paradise Costs-A Victim's Daughter Fights Back against Elder Abuse--the truth is, abuse of any kind to people and critters is the despicable act.

My father he died as a result of the abuse and exploitation he sustained.  You can see the book about his and my struggle struggle at and please order the book through me, WRITE TO:    Unfortunately, I couldn't save my Dad and it's taken 11 years to come to terms with it; in America, saving Bella rallied more support than saving an old, sick man. Dad, being who he was, having spent a fortune on rescuing dogs himself, would have made sure Bella made it despite the odds.

Dad's beautiful legacy to me was his love for critters and I grew up around some incredible dogs; our family never bought a dog, not ever. We always rescued via my Dad and it is to him I dedicate this e-book with gratitude because of the power of his gift to me which, in turn, did save Bella and later a second puppy.

Your suggestions are welcome if you have a tip to assist a suffering or sick animal, please let us know. If you represent an outstanding product that will assist in recovery, we want to hear from you. I will be starting online course in canine nutrition, first, and then feline nutrition so being a pet care professional is my goal and I will be acquiring skills, finding a niche` and bringing with me many talents, skills and knowledge to help bait and injured puppies and dogs recover and live a full life.

Background on me is as follows, I am:
  • Certified Holistic / CORE Counselor
  • Certified Adult Educator
  • Certified Stress Management Consultant
  • Author of Paradise Costs- A Victim's Daughter Fights Back against Elder Abuse
  • Afterword of Paradise Costs by the world famous author of "suicide by cop" and expert on exploitation, elder abuse, etc, Rabbi Bennett Blum, MD
  • Please note: Paradise Costs was invited to the largest .gov database in the U.S.A on academic, professional and scholarly works on elder abuse and exploitation at the University of Delaware through CANE (Clearinghouse of Abuse and Neglect of the Elderly)
  • Contributor to "Happy Tails-A Book About Exceptional Cats that Changed People's Lives
  • Local and International Radio and TV Contributor
  • Columnist NYC's Healthwise Magazine authoring SpiritWise for 12 years
  • Consultant to Court TV
  • President of the NYS Chapter of the American Society of Alternative Therapists
  • Former Faculty Member at Queensborough Community College
  • Former President of my Alumni Association
  • Publisher and founder of the Starlight Network News
  • Animal lover
  • Grief Counselor for those who have lost their companion animals
  • Very soon to be pet care professional
We welcome interested parties who want to be a part of saving bait puppies, companies that want us to promote their products, etc. Our team will review the performance of your products and promote outstanding products only.  We have a great dog food, made in NY, that's really made a difference for Bella, etc.

CAUTION: this blog nor anything we write about is to be considered a replacement for licensed, professional care of your veterinarian. Please consult your veterinarian on all matters pertaining to the health care for your companion animals.

Keywords: dog rescue, puppy rescue, bait puppies, saving injured animals, community, dog lovers, how to rescue bait puppies, dog nutrition, dog and puppy food, dog vitamins, dog health, how to rescue severely injured dogs, kennels, pet products.

Thanks and please stay tuned, press releases will be issued shortly,

Irene A. Masiello

a wonderful woman in Florida donated an appointment at an eye specialist at the Blue Pearl in Forest Hills. THE VERDICT: Bella is blind in her right eye yet it seems not to affect her personality at all.
(c) Copyright December 2012, Irene A. Masiello-all rights reserved on text and photos-
please do not reprint without expresssed written consent-thanks for your compliance

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