Friday, January 4, 2013

saving rescue dogs and bait we saved 2 small bait puppies

First, let me wish everyone happy New Year. Last year had some surprises for us but, you know, God works in mysterious ways. When I was a child I wanted to be a vet; I did then and still do today love all kinds of animals and especially dogs and cats. Late last year, destiny or fate or karma has brought me back to animals because I was entrusted with the care of two critically ill bait puppies.

Until this happened I didn't know what a bait puppy was. Now I do and I am devastated to learn about this horrible phenomena sweeping the country: the training of fighting dogs via the maiming and killing of smaller animals like puppies and kittens. A friend gave me a whole list of what goes on with the above and Craig's List seems to be a focus for desperate people doing desperate things to place animals they can no longer take care of. Can we be surprised with the economy the way it is that families with pets can no longer afford to take care of them and looking for other families who can?

The shelter situation being what it is...namely deporable...people try and place their dogs, cats, kittens and puppies in private homes for FREE. Ever hear that people seldom value what they get for free? Well, it seems like free animals from sources like Craig's List many times become bait animals, snake food, etc ending in a tragic death rather that a hopeful home the previous own hoped for. I will be sharing some information about that from the Humane Society in New Jersey.

For me, a passion for dogs within me was reignited within me when I was tapped to help save 2 very adorable but very badly injured puppies. One puppy was only 4 weeks old. He had 2 puncture wounds in his skull, a horrible wound on the back of his neck the size of a dime and a very deep wound into the muscle of one back leg. His ears were cut and raw, he was only 2 lbs when we took him to the vet. The vet did not know if he would live.

The other puppy for which this blog is named is Bella now 5 months old. Bella had a fractured skull, a monumental wound on her backside, is blind in her right eye, her neck was filled with bite marks and the vet didn't know if she would live either.  Bella prompted me to rethink my life. She is a precious little ball of love who responded, despite her condition, to everything I did for her. 

I took a step back to analyze whether the holistic methods I used for people (I am a certified: adult educator, a holistic/CORE counselor, and a stress management consultant) could be modified for this beautiful little thing that was suffering.

What I found was the techniques I am certified in and utilize for people were even more successful with both puppies than they ever were with people. People make excuses, have issues with change even when their life depends on it, have agendas....animals are so pure, they just need love, care, nutrition, positive energy, good vet care and they make unbelievable progress and very fast. I realized that Bella had brought this message to me... help critters which was always exactly want I wanted to do my entire life.

Bella seemed to be in a fog and dazed from her head injury. I spent a lot of time on the floor with her talking to her, I laid in her bed with her and talked softly to her and then, one day, she wagged her tail for the first time when I added a universal healer to the I made up a song that included her name and she just loved it and now months later when I sing it to her on the phone she goes wild hearing my voice and remembering the love we share. I tell everyone that Bella and the other puppy (we will tell you more about his soon), "I have grand-doggies." And, trust me, I am an obsessive grandma always thinking about how I can help my grand-doggies live better and healthier.

I have done grief counseling for years for people who lost their pets because of illness and old age however I decided to switch fields totally and become a pet care professional (I guess I started when Bella was found wandering and injured right before Hurricane Sandy in late October 2012; had we not found her no doubt she would be dead) which was what I wanted to be when I was a kid. I am the type of person that has a tremendous ability to attract what I need which I attribute to my holistic and mystical background of 30 years. Once I had Bella, swung into action, I saw that others were immediately attracted to her plight and contributed money, food, vet care, etc. I can certianly recognize a message from the Universe when I see it! The synchronicity was unmistakable.

I will begin studying canine nutrition shortly but I have already been a resource for many on Facebook for the initiation, implementing and utilization of many adjunct modalities in caring for compromised ill, rescued, injured animals. I have used Bella's reovery to inspire others to take a new look at pet care and what is the nursing of animals back to health and increasing their chances for survival.

To senior citizens, I know how painful it is to lose a pet that's been with you for years. However, adoption of a senior pet is a viable, wonderful gift to yourself and to the pet. The mere presence os an animal in your life enhances your life style, it increases your wellness, the pet/owner bond is so healthy for you and the pet. Give yourself and a pet a new lease on life! It's a great way to pay a spiritual tribute to the pet you've lost and you will be healthier and happier for doing it.

I did it myself when my 17 year old cat had to be put down. I know, I know, you're saying "NEVER AGAIN" like I was but, truthfully, my life was empty without Shadow my beautiful gray tabby. I decided to adopt a grown animal that was physically challenged.

Just as we are in awe of people who heal and surpass doctors' prognosis, animals can do likewise. My "disabled" cat, a wobble cat, one exposed to the viralent affects of the distemper virus in utero has been with me for 3 years and she has gone through a complete transformation. She surpassed everything we had hoped for her. She came to me unable to use a litter box, she couldn't climb up
on furniture and she had a hard time ambulating. Now, (see below) she retrieves a ball, has a vocabulary of about 10 words, uses her litter box and she's a cover girl for "disabled" pets.

Here's a few pointers on how to handle a compromised or injured animal:

Please note: injured animals found on a road are to be handled by animal professionals with great caution. Please call the ASPCA, the Human Society, etc. These pointers are for people who have adopted an injured or sick animal from rescue groups, etc. There are no shortage of animals being put down in this country because of colds, parasites, slight injuries, mange, etc. In fact, there are millions of them and every shelter that says they are NO-KILL is not neccessarily telling the whole story which is very complex. Many shelters feature special rates for adoption for older animals.
A great source, doing excellent work for all kinds of critters is
stabilize the environment ASAP
  • get quality vet care ASAP
  • gradually increase nutrition (change = stress and, on sensitive GI tracts, we don't want side nasty side effects that make a bad situation worse)
  • give as much clean fresh water as possible (I made the water a vehicle for light nutrition-more about that later)
  • pray for the animal (see the work of Larry Dossey, MD) PRAYER WORKS
  • use Therapeutic Touch/Reiki (see the work of Dr. Dolares Krieger-see article below)
  • more to come
This blog will be an ebook in the months to come and adjunct techniques for healing and wellness for pets will be discussed in great detail.

DISCLAIMER: A word of caution: anything mentioned here is an ADJUNCT modality to sane, safe, sensible licensed vet care and must not to be viewed in anyway as a replacement for your licensed professional vet.

About Dr. Krieger:,,20081837,00.html

This is not new...its been around for decades and Dr. Krieger is a RN holding a PhD
who managed to get over one million nurses doing Therapeutic Touch for improving
patient wellness over a decade or more ago.

About Dr. Dossey:
Larry is a wonderful guy who has blessed my life in many ways including putting a wonderful
blurb on the cover of my book about elder abuse and how exploitation shortened my Dad's life. Dr. Dossey is a Texas internist who scientifically proved that prayer works. He's the author of many books on the subject. Find Dr. Dossey at

The puppies we found were being exploited, as well, to train older dogs to kill just like too many seniors in this country including my own father. Dad was an incredible dog lover and it is to him that my efforts and this work is dedicated.

Order Paradise Costs-A Victim's Daughter Fights Back against Elder Abuse at It's a PayPal transaction, the book is autographed at its $24 S & H inc.

Find it at - please do not order it through the site; you will receive it faster
by using the link and it will be personally autographed as well. Thank you.

More soon!


© Copyright 2013, Irene A. Masiello, all rights reserved, please do not reprint without permission. Thanks

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