Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day, Dad....this is Elder Abuse Awareness father died of elder abuse and elder exploitation and it's on this that my book Paradise Costs-A Victim's Daughter Fights Back against Elder Abuse is based.

Elder Abuse Awareness Day June 16, 2013. Paradise Costs-A Victim's Daughter Fights Back against Elder Abuse has been reduced in cost and made available as a download at my shop at Etsy. The name of the shop is Kayla Grace Designs. Here's the link: It's sad to remember that abused children, seniors and animals have something in common...they are unable to fight back, their voice in not heard in Washington and they cannot walk picket lines and have sit ins and, sometimes, their vulnerability beckons the lower forms of life here on earth. My father taught me to rescue animals and never buy them and he was a life long animal rescuer and he saved many and each one rewarded him with life times filled with love. Dad also taught me about nature, growing plants, appreciating a sunset, doing my best and making the earth a better place. Though today is Elder Abuse Awareness day I would like to ask readers and supporters to always keep an eye on A-N-Y living thing that is vulnerable. There are too many predators around walking on 2 legs and, unfortunately, my father was a victim of a group of people who acted in concert to stalk him, the fleece him and do away with him...and they succeeded without punishment. However, in my world, I know, what goes around comes around. Meanwhile, Daddy, Happy Birthday & Happy Father's Day, RIP.

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