Sunday, August 4, 2013

do you want to live longer, be healthier and save 2 lives? Here's how...go to your local animal shelter and adopt a dog"

what will happen? You will save a homeless dog's life and you will improve your health, be happier, live longer with the beneficial aspects of owning a dog, walk more, not feel lonely, reduce stress, improve your mental health. In fact, owning a dog is a low cost health improvement. Holistically speaking, your body will improve as you walk more, spend more time out doors maybe meet other owners which could mean less boredom and more socializing, commune with nature, celebrate the spiritual bond between you dog and yourself...good, no? For sure, sun shine and fresh air is medicine for your body, mind and soul as is the movement of simply taking a walk. Mentally, by walking accompanied by your furry friend, your body releases endorphins which improve your mood, lowers your blood pressure and helps combat pain, stress, etc. The spiritual benefits of having a dog are many. You're connected to something bigger than yourself...the rescue of homeless dogs (and cats) with millions dying every year. Dogs know loyalty and love, your investment will result in your feeling good about you, you will be joining rescue efforts around the world, you will be a part of something beautiful! You win as a member of an elite club whose compassion and empathy stands tall in a world that cares little about critters....the numbers are growing to combat the breeding of puppies and dogs by adopting and not shopping. There's plenty of material around to help you teach a's easier than you think...check out the TV shows, the books by Cesar Milan for dogs and Jackson Galaxy on TV. You will find free information all over the net AND you will be in an elite club of famous people like Betty White, Loretta Swit, George Clooney who are standing up and saying "ADOPT DON'T SHOP." Here's the reasons to own a dog to improve your health: An Incredible Benefit of Owning a Dog When Rover happily wags his tail and sloppily licks your hand in greeting when you arrive home, he may do more than make you smile with delight. He may also help you to live longer by improving your heart health, according to the American Heart Association, which has dubbed the effect "Rover Rx." The American Heart Association may call it the "Rover Rx." But we're not naming our dogs Rover. Find out the top 10 most popular names for dogs (and cats). People who own dogs appear to have a lessened risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Why? Your dog will get you walking--even if you don't want to. And walking reaps huge benefits, including lower blood pressure, increased mood-related brain chemicals, lower cholesterol, healthier weight and improved stress response. The AHA reached this conclusion after examining several studies that looked at pet ownership and heart health, including a study of more than 5,200 adults that found that dog owners were more likely to do more walking and get more physical activity than those without dogs. In addition, dog owners were 54 percent more likely to get the recommended amount of physical activity. While it can't be proven that owning a pet directly reduces heart disease risk, there does appear to be an association between the two. Dogs not only make you get out and walk no matter the weather, but also provide a loving presence that can lower stress and anxiety, assuage loneliness and increase your sense of well-being and self-esteem. The AHA statement was published online in the journal Circulation ISN'T ALL OF THIS AN INCREDIBLE WAY, AN AFFORDABLE WAY TO SAVE A LIFE and be rewarded by loyalty, affection, compassion and better health?

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